Tuesday, July 26, 2011


So, why did I start a blog today? It's not like I have an abundance of extra time on my hands. With four young children, full time job, and this and that, I don't really have time to get much of anything else accomplished.
Maybe it's just the thought of being able to write down some thoughts, figure out how to do something new. Oh, yes, there will be alot of figuring stuff out. I don't know the first thing about setting up a blog..but down that road I have started to travel!
At this point, I don't have any witty stories to share. Any pics to upload ...oh that is yet another story. I have tons of pics..but it's squeezing in the time to even get that done is just not going to happen right now.
Right now, I am trying to focus on raising happy, healthy children with my husband, attacking that mountain of laundry that awaits me each day..staring me down..oh, there is a thought. Maybe a whole post in the future about the laundry. My homemade laundry detergent, etc. Yes, I think I get the hang of this. Find every day things..and write about them. Gotta get some sleep first..and rest up to start my list of things to get accomplished tomorrow!

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